too often, i find myself wanting to freeze my hours. you know... make time stand still so i can accomplish just a few more things. and if i'm being honest, most of my dreams to stop time take place during nap time (go figure). there are just too many toys to pick up, too many emails to return, too many dishes to wash, too many loads of laundry staring at me... and sometimes just too many things on the dvr to catch up on.
i've tried to be intentional about truly participating in life w holden (and grant, too). engaging in conversations, sitting on the floor when he (holden) asks me to, not being too busy to take a walk when it's beautiful out, etc. but, let's be honest... some of the toys, emails, dishes & laundry wiggle their way into a top priority spot. today, i'm having one of those days where i sit and think 'holy cow, how did my almost two year old become an almost two year old???'. i know every mom has had moments of panic like this, so i know i'm not alone... but it definitely makes me long for my baby to still be a baby.
as we move into fall, i have lofty plans of seeing all of my pinterest crafts come to fruition and for my house to smell like fresh pumpkiny goodness at all times. and in all honesty, even if i had all the time in the world, this still wouldn't be the case. i would
still need more time. but, i can say, having children makes you painfully aware of how quickly time really does go. and it makes me want to spend any extra hours i find myself with pouring them into my boy.
so, on this beautiful fall day... the reality is that as soon as h gets up from his nap, we will be off on a handful of errands. but, i plan to make these errands memorable and time that i cherish rather than just "getting through it". and maybe we will have a little starbucks date or something while we're at it. memories don't have to be some fancy vacation or buying expensive toys... memories are the day-to-day quality time.
holden saying 'mama sit' in the middle of the sidewalk just because.
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