5. i've recently gotten back into pinterest. for awhile, i felt like i kept seeing all the same pins and it was annoying that i barely got on. plus, i definitely went through a phase where pinterest made me feel like i needed a new wardrobe, a bigger/nicer house, cooking lessons and new hair. anybody with me?? i've thankfully realized that was all untrue and am back on the pinterest train! saw this pin the other night and seriously laughed out loud for a long while. dearest holden, this better be the case or you're gonna be grounded for life. --follow me on pinterest--
4. praise to all that is good & holy. i live for this kind of weather, folks!!! last night, i walked outside with my in-laws and it was cooler and breezy and i 100% said "and THIS is why we moved to indiana!!!". florida life was not for this midwestern girl!
3. my parents were here visiting this past weekend. love when they come to town!! it still feels like a dream to me that they are actually picking up and moving to indiana from my hometown in minnesota, but my heart is bursting w joy! we spent lots of time while they were here looking at spec homes of different builders trying to perfect a layout and all that jazz.

2. grant's cousins moved to lafayette about 8 months ago from south carolina and it's been so fun spending time w abby! she's a mama to 3 boys and deserved a girl's night out for her bday! we went to one of my latest fav restaurants downtown, red7. they brought out a delish cake w a huge sparkler in it!
happy birthday, sweet friend!

1. oh, this sweet boy. he's so good to me. love being his mama and the sweet moments we share. i wish every mama that wanted to stay home w their littles had the opportunity. slow & quite mornings are the name of our game. jammies til noon, coffee & puzzles, long walks. i dreamed of being a mom for so long and always prayed i'd get to stay home. grateful for a husband that makes that possible!
I didn't know your parents were moving to Indiana! Exciting! I bet your thrilled!!