i haven't ever done this before and i'm not quite sure why. BUT, when holden started acting like a crazy this morning at 930am and seemed ready for a nap... i was desperate. he's 19 mos, only takes one nap and he usually goes down between noon and two. so, when he was acting tired an hour after he woke up, i decided to try something new.
grant & i are big spotify fans, so i opened my app and just searched 'kids worship' and clicked on the first album: great worship songs for kids 5'. perfect. i put it on and i wish i could explain how quickly not only MY mood got, but holden's, too! you'd think a crazy switch got flipped. i was singing along
and he thought that was funny (hey, i never claimed to be a good singer! ha). we've typically had the tv on the mornings flipping back and forth from the today show and sprout. i hope to incorporate more kids worship into our day to day!
i highly recommend throwing on some worship music in times of mommy desperation! i do think holden liked the children's voices more than just regular adults and it wasn't at all annoying as i thought it probably would be! let me know if you've found a 'mommy funk' remedy that i should try! we are all in this together!
We have 2 Baby Praise DVD's that Saleen loves!!!!! The DVD is to worship music and random images of animals, other kids playing, animation, etc... It keeps her attention and she gets excited when we put it on. Love this post. So important to teach our kiddos to live a life of praise and worship! Here is the link: http://praisebaby.spinshop.com/ We have 'Praises and Smiles' and 'Forever Reign'