Friday, August 16, 2013


happy friday, friends! we are up and at em this morning. well... technically i got up and at em (aka showered & ready for the day), but now that holden is up, we are being lazy bums on the couch watching luke bryan on the today show! i had big plans of getting out of the house early to get a head start on my long list of errands to run, but that didn't quite happen... oh well! we've had a fun week of qt and laughs! still loving holden's age so much!!! here's my top 5's of the week! what are yours?? make sure to link up w me, lauren & jeannett!  

5. remember how i mentioned here that i was starting the c25k program?? well... things were all fine & dandy until the curse of shin splints took over my life. for real! they finally subsided a couple day ago, so i've started hitting the pavement again!

4. we met a friend and her son at the park and local zoo this week. love that we have a cute local zoo that has goats, otters, emus, monkeys etc. they also have a cute train that takes you around the park for like a 10-15 min ride! it's not huge, but it's nice and close and is free! 

3. i've really been making a point to study and get into the word the last few wks. and i can say that it 100% changes my attitude and mood when i set this as a priority in my day. one day this week, i decided to have my breakfast & coffee on the patio w some worship music playing. birds chirping, no toddler needing me... it was bliss! 

2. now that mops is getting into full swing, we have meetings every tuesday (since i'm on the leadership team). after our meeting this week, we decided to go to chick fil a! besides it being noon and sheer chaos, we got to eat as a group and the kids got to play. we were def outnumbered by our kiddos, so i didn't get any pics, but i did snag this quick one of h! he's getting braver in the play place...

1. i have been loving the weather here in indiana this summer. we have lots of hot days and nights, but it's been overall pretty cool. as in, it's currently in the high 60's-low 70's here right now. in august. crazy! anyways, with good weather comes good non-frizzy hair days. ptl. and being able to dress cute and not be a sweaty mess. amen! i debuted my somervell necklace yesterday! I've had it for awhile and was waiting til it felt right w an outfit. and a fun shirt w bicycles on it just felt right!

hope y'all have had a good week!

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