Friday, August 23, 2013

h54f... aka we're sick & are glad to have made it to friday!

we are in sickville over here! so, our week was full of cuddles, cartoons, lack of sleep and tissue piles. fun, right?? gotta just keep it real! in fact... i just saw this on good ol pinterest and it couldn't explain my feelings better in this very moment!!

having a sick babe is exhausting in and of itself (hello, holden didn't nap all day yesterday and didn't go to bed til 10:30pm)... but i'm actually sick, too. so, although the extra snugs have been nice, what i've really wanted is to take a nap by myself!!!

anywho, hope you all have had a great week!! we are currently sitting in the dr's office waiting room to make sure what h has isn't more serious. good thing the waiting room has fishies! he's in heaven!!

i'm about 99% convinced it's allergies, so that means we can both expect to be down for the count at the end of august every year. ugh!!!!

i'll be back next week w more exciting posts!!!

1 comment:

  1. What did the dr say is it allergies? Juliana has horrible allergies and mine have gotten worse as I have gotten older. My dr said to buy local made honey, so I go to the farmers market here and buy bottles of it. Last month ended our mesquite tree allergy season and now it's into wild flower season. I eat it a lot more then Juliana does but my allergies haven't been bothering me at all. Another thing I recently started using is the doterra oil "on guard". Now that schools back in session the kids and Jorge have already had a cold, I started to feel sick so I put the onguard on my feet until I felt better and so far {knock on wood} I haven't gotten sick and feel good.


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