Friday, August 9, 2013


rather than my typical high 5 for friday post, i'm just gonna post about why i'm thankful it's friday! holden & i have had a pretty lazy week full of snuggling, some shopping and lots of down time at home. i'm grateful for weeks like this. we really just took it slow most of the week! grant has had a TON of projects to edit, client meetings, photo & video shoots and the last couple days he has attended an event at our church. all of that means long days for this mama! im grateful, like i said, but on weeks like this, i'm tired by 4 if we run around town like normal!

so, I'm thankful that it's friday because...
-holden & i had a lot of sweet moments at home. just the two of us!
- tomorrow is my bday and we have some fun stuff planned this weekend to celebrate!
-a dear friend of mine who is pregnant has had a hard week w signs of really early labor. i'm taking her back to the dr this morning to hopefully get news that the contractions have slowed. (prayers welcome!)

-being lazy & acting like he owns the place!-

i've got a list of errands to run and a bathroom that wants me to clean it (really, it told me!), but none of that matters when it's your birthday week! am i right or am i right??? :)

hope you all have a great weekend!!


  1. What a sweet baby! Love the name Holden!

  2. thanks, girl! it took my hub and I FOREVER to agree on a name, but we love his name and it was worth months of debate!!


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