Friday, July 26, 2013


it's friday, it's friday, hey hey hey hey!!! and this friday is extra exciting because i get to go on a date to indianapolis tonight!!! this week hasn't been full of exciting events, but it has been full of sweet moments with my boy. i think the chart topper was last night when he was eating a post-county fair dinner (read: veggies & fruit) and he kept saying 'pray'. i didn't quite get what he was trying to say until he folded his hands. i nearly started bawling. moments like this remind me how important raising children is and how vital starting young w stuff like praying w them is! there's a super cute video on my instagram (user name: mistythompson)!

ok! here's my 5 moments of the week that i loved!!

5. on monday night, i drove down to indianapolis for a meeting w all of the stella & dot stylists in our area. since i'm the only stylist in lafayette, i'm teamed up w a group of girls in indy. there were about 30-35 of us that met! here's a pic of a couple girls sharing what they learned/took away from the yearly stylist conference that was in vegas last week!

4. speaking of stella & dot, i ordered some of my new fall samples this week & the happy lil package made my day when it arrived (as in i literally put both of my hands up in the air in a touchdown position and said 'yesss'!)! these beauties are sheer perfection!

3. i started running this week. well, i don't know if i can technically call it running, but i've started nonetheless. i downloaded the c25k (couch to 5k) app awhile ago and then i hurt my foot really bad and never did anything w it. this week, i got a healthy dose of motivation and just started. i've done two days so far. i feel quite pathetic that 30 min of alternating walking/jogging/running can leave me almost dead on the sidewalk, but it does. i just keep thinking of something i see randomly on pinterest that says 'even if you're walking, you're still lapping everyone on the couch'. it's true and every little bit counts! especially the bit where i bought new cute workout clothes. now i'm invested!!!! ha

2. like i mentioned, our county fair is going on right now. we don't usually get too into the fair, but we do go just once to eat some fair food and look at the animals. holden had a healthy balance of super excited to see the animals & scared out of his mind. i think the bunnies were his fav!

holden w his girl, emmy kate (erica's lil beauty of a daughter!)!

as good as it gets these days...

tractors, tractors & more tractors. they're his favorite right now for sure!

checking out the goats w roz, my niece!

1. honestly, like i said, there weren't any life-changing events this week for us, but lots of little moments that just make me grateful. love my boy abundantly & so proud to be his mama!

i'm linked up w lauren & jeanett!!!

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