Monday, July 29, 2013

thrive: a resource for mamas!

there are a lot of things i subscribe to receive an email about (weekly target ads, daily devotional, big sales at my fav stores, etc), but it usually only takes getting a few of those emails before i search out that schnazzy little unsubscribe button. it just happens. i'm ocd about my inbox (read: literally only like 5 emails sitting in there and they are emails i need to respond to!). i hate hate hate a disorganized inbox and of course i married someone who literally has 10's of thousands of emails in his inbox at a time. not. kidding.

anyways, i recently subscribed to a weekly email from thrive. it's geared towards mamas (mainly preschool age, from what i can tell) and is sent every monday morning. that's it. once a week. no clogging my inbox every day or receiving so many that i just delete them instead of reading them and really embracing the challenge. today's email was about rejoicing and it just was exactly what i needed! here's a preview:

"how can we rejoice in the hard times? on the days that seem endless? the times when our kids fight naps, each other and us? sometimes we just want to scream! we want to fight back and give up... but, even when all hope may SEEM lost, He will always fill us with a newness. we will find a way to rejoice in Him if we allow ourselves to."

we, as mamas, have a tough job. the job of raising little human beings. little people that will one day run corporations, churches, our government, etc. it's a big deal. and we need encouragement from time to time to really be the mama that our kids need & deserve!

i encourage you to subscribe to this weekly email! i am only a few weeks into it, but i am refreshed by the fact that it doesn't make motherhood this false glamorous job, but it also doesn't make it out to be the worst thing that could ever happen to you! in my opinion, it's a healthy balance. check it out!!

1 comment:

  1. Misty, I am totally one of those who has 3,974 emails in their inbox. oyyyyyeee. But, just thought I would let you know this encouraged me to start cleaning my inbox out. I started this morning with 4,030.


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