Thursday, July 11, 2013

the hard days of motherhood.

some days are just hard. i don't really know how else to say it.

after spending time with my family, i always come away from it feeling a little empty. like a part of me is just missing on a daily basis. i just really love my parents and the role they play in my life. and not having that on a day-to-day basis (especially after spending time w them for a week straight) is just sad. 

now that holden is a full-blown toddler and grant is working lots of long days (many days, he's up and gone before we wake up & home long after holden has gone to bed), some days just drag on. the tantrums are becoming more frequent, his opinion is stronger than ever before and some days (like today), i'm exhausted by noon!

i would not trade being a mom for anything and i cherish the days that he and i have together-just the two of us. i just so look forward to my parents living down the road on the hard days! y'know... drop in and have my dad take holden for a walk while i gather my thoughts for a minute. or stop over and have my mom cook dinner on a night that i have no energy to even think about what we will eat!

parents are a wonderful thing. i'm blessed to have a mom & dad who, most importantly, love jesus, but they also love one another. i'm finally an adult, i believe, because i see the gold mine that parents are. their wisdom, encouragement & guidance. and now, friendship, too. 

today may be a long one, but i know that the years are far too short... deciding to appreciate the time i have with just holden right now. 

1 comment:

  1. Misty! I always love reading your posts because I feel like I am always in the same boat! It is hard work being a mom! And I totally feel ya about the family! Holden is lucky to have you as his mom!


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