Friday, July 12, 2013


it's been awhile since i've linked up w lauren to do high 5 for friday!! mainly just because we've been busy, but i've also been a lazy blogger... oops. link up with us & share your weekly highlights in whatever format works best for you!!

5. if there's one thing that i love, it's shopping. BUT, i really love shopping for holden & finding cute little boy clothes! i love it more when i find good deals! one of my fav stores in the past was american eagle's children's line, 77kids. well, either they were bought out or just changed their name, but i just scored a handful of stuff for holden for $17 and got free shipping, too! great quality stuff & it came quick, too! check out ruum!

4. last night, my MIL took holden for a couple hours. i debated going to the mall or doing something more for "me", but i decided to just go home & clean. exciting life i live, guys!! so, after my cleaning frenzy, grant got home, we put holden to bed & i headed to the grocery store! yep... 10 o'clock grocery shopping! not only did my fridge get stocked, i did if sans toddler! i highly recommend it!!

3. holden & i really have been having some sweet moments lately. he's just at such a fun age (i know i beat a dead horse when i say that, but 'm serious!)!! yesterday, we made a trip to the library & he was so sweet! i told him we had to be quiet an said 'shhh' w my finger over my mouth and he kept mimicking me the whole time!

2. remember that one time holden slept til 10??? oh yeah... that's only happened once and i milked the heck out of it!! i probably should've gotten up, started my day w a healthy breakfast or sown thing, but instead i slept. no shame here!!!

1. my top moment of the week is definitely all the family time! we made lots of memories and i'm grateful for vacation time!!!

do you link up?? if not, i highly recommend it!! it's a great reminder to appreciate some of the little things that would have maybe gone unnoticed!

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