Monday, April 22, 2013


6 years ago, grant & i tied the wedded knot. we were 20 & 21, immature, naive & had lots to learn! thankfully, we serve a god of grace that catches us when we throw ourselves off of the proverbial cliff. the past 6 years have provided the highest of highs & the lowest of lows. and through it all, i have had a great man by my side! and thank the lord for that!!!!

6 years ago, we were:
-20 & 21 years old
-lived in lakeland, fl
-grant worked at victory church
-i worked at a commercial insurance company
-getting ready to start the wildest journey of our lives


love this shot of my dad & i walking down the aisle! and you can see all the decorations my dad slaved over for days!

newlyweds! woop woop!

the past 6 years have been crazy! and i look forward to sixty more with this guy!! later this week, i'll be sharing about our chicagoland getaway!!


  1. Happy Anniversary! I just sat by a couple on Saturday who have been married 66 years- it was too sweet. You'll make it!

    Hope you have a great time in Chicago!

  2. Hope you had a great anniversary! Wish I could have been there for the wedding but I love watching you guys grow together!

  3. Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on 6 years!!


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