as always, I'm linking up with
lauren at 'from my grey desk' to bring you the highlights of my week. unless you're a mama, you probably don't care or understand, but I am currently in the midst of switching holden from his beloved bottle to the big boy sippy cup. to say we've had lots of meltdowns would be a crazy understatement! the boy loves his baba. I have definitely thought about just giving him the darn bottle back especially after he woke up with a fever this morning (teething, I'm pretty sure) and all he wanted was a baba. to all my instagram friends that said not to give in... be proud. I didn't cave even though the mommy guilt took over my life for a few min there!
5. since my hubby, grant, is self-employed, we don't have the typical 'daddy leaves for work at 7 and gets home at 6 routine'. since before we moved into our house, we have been looking at options for where grant can work during the day. since our house isn't that big and i'm a stay-at-home mama, we just knew it wasn't going to be fun for him to work from home while i'm there all day with holden. well, long story short, but grant is leasing a space with a few other creative professionals & they moved into their new office last week! holden and i finally got out to the office a couple days ago and holden loved exploring the space. here he is blowing kisses to daddy when we were leaving.

oh, and side note... this trip ended a little not as planned. little buddy was drinking his bottle in the carseat (which i NEVER do, but he was going crazy wanting it... and yes, this was before i took the baba away!). well, lesson learned. he somehow managed to spill almost the entire contents of the bottle all over himself, and his carseat. i didn't realize this until i went to get him out of the car at target. well, that mission was quickly aborted. i looked like a fool, i'm sure, as i stripped him down to just a diaper in the parking lot and then stuck him back in the carseat for a long, cold, wet drive home. poor buddy!

4. i have been wanting to get an entry table since we moved in and have had one picked out pretty much since we looked at the house the first time, actually. i knew we would need storage in a house this small, but also a convenient place to throw keys, set things out of holden's reach, etc. we ended up getting a table from ikea and i put it together last night. if i ever get around to snapping pics of the house to do a tour (which i'm sure all you readers would appreciate... eek!), you'll get to see what i mean. it's a slim table, so it doesn't crowd the entryway and it stores shoes! PTL!!!

3. i am sure i'm in the minority here, but i just love a good, rainy day. it's like good for my soul. and, after winter, it's a sure sign that spring is coming!!! yes, even if it's only 40 degrees out right now. the seasons are seriously confused, if you ask me!! i don't really prefer running errands in the rain (who does?), but i sure love cuddling up on the couch with my sweet boy any chance i can... especially if it's raining out!
2. on wednesday night, grant and i ended up meeting up for dinner and afterwards, we were just both craving something sweet. we ended up hitting up our fav local froyo place, pink walrus. stupid name, but delish yogurt and even more delish toppings. they seriously have the best selection of toppings. like, i'm talkin hot fudge, not just chocolate sauce. and chopped up reeses cups, not just reeses pieces. the best!!! locals, if you haven't been, you're seriously missin out. AND... it's seriously darling in there.

1. my top moment of the week was finally getting a new diaper bag. i've been carrying the same one since holden was born. i originally splurged and got an expensive
timi & leslie bag. it's been good, but definitely not great (in my opinion). it's kind of falling apart and i don't have a need to carry that big of a bag anymore. my new franco sarto bag is still big, but it's a stiffer material, so it stands up on its own. big plus! my other one got all flimsy if i didn't have her stuffed full (which seems to be the case a lot these days). my only beef with my new bag is that it's technically a purse, not a diaper bag. so, although there are a lot of interior and exterior pockets, there isn't a bottle/cup pocket. so far, it hasn't been an issue, but i just pray i don't have a major spill on the inside of a bag. that would be a bad, bad day.
link up with lauren & i to share your top 5's!!! hope y'all had a good week! oh, and check back later today for my sock bun post!!