anyways, here's what I'm saying 'so what!' to today!
-so what if people keep complimenting me on my short lil bob haircut, I'm growing this nonsense out! it was poor planning to chop my hair off into a hair cut that really can't afford to not be styled daily when I am pregnant & need my pony tail!!!
-so what if I've been praying for more & more snow while the rest of indiana is hoping for the opposite! if it's gonna be cold anyways, we may as well have snow, people!
-so what if every room of our house needs picked up & deep cleaned, yet I'm sitting on the couch.
-so what if I get annoyed when I order a caramel frappucinno w extra caramel drizzle and they don't do extra drizzle!!! how is it that complicated?! this prego needs her drizzle and at $5 a pop, I deserve a lil extra caramel!
-so what if I'm a little more dramatic than normal... I am pregnant after all!
-so what if I still have a handful of christmas cards that are addressed, but still haven't been sent. at this point, if seems a little silly to send them. would a 'better late than never :)' note on the envelope make it more acceptable? probably not!
-so what if my vacuum (yes, the one that needs to be used in every dirty room of this house) never seems to be put away. it sits in this corner of our living room all the time. drives me crazy, but it's a pain to put it away when I should be using use it regularly!
I'm linking up w shannon!
I'm linking up w shannon!
I feel like all I ever do is mental blog! It does exist!! : ) My sweeper as well is always out. I feel like I am using it all day and there is always another mess to sweep up!! I am also guilty of having a few Christmas cards that need addressed.... in fact most of mine got to everyone the day after...oops! : ) Hope you were able to relax today! Stopping by from SWW!