as we slowly prepare & get our ducks in a row for the arrival of our new babe in july, i can't help but think about several things that i didn't have or need with holden that i would really,
really like and appreciate having as we move to a fam of 4! we moved from florida to indiana when holden was 6 wks old, so i didn't get the enjoyment of putting together a nursery for him prior to his arrival. well, as the cards have played out, we will
most likely be moving either when i am a super pregnant this time or with a newborn yet again. imagine my excitement... regardless of the chaos that i'm sure the next 6 months will hold, i am choosing to focus on a) the amazing gift of life that trumps the chaos, and b) all the new things i totally would love to splurge on for this baby! hey, if i'm gonna be homeless (not really... slight exaggeration), i might as well look cute, right? :)
with holden, we had this chicco travel system and i loved it 100%! we plan to use the same carseat this go-round, but will probably get rid of the stroller. a double stroller is something that just makes sense for us since it isn't super uncommon that holden would rather ride in the stroller than walk (thank god! makes things so much easier usually!). the main stroller i have my eye on (based on a handful of good friends' recommendations) is the city mini double.
isn't she purrty?? the functions of this stroller far outweigh the brand name aspect, at least i think so. the stroller can collapse so easily & folds virtually flat (not taking up a lot of room in the trunk), is lightweight, has a huge sunshade, is a side-by-side but can still fit through all doorways & the list goes on!
another option is the contours option lt double. i haven't read as much about this stroller, but the seats can switch around to all different varieties making it a stroller that would undoubtedly grow with us as a family. i chose the pic that shows it with a chicco carseat since that's what we have, but where the infant seat is, there's typically an identical seat as the front one that can go forwards, backwards, etc. i
love how big that basket is (which is my main hesitation w the city mini).

ok, moving on! something that i didn't really realize existed until long after i had holden is the ever-so-wonderful rock & play! i think the main purpose is to kind of act like a basinet in mom & dad's room until it's time to move the babe to their own room. not by choice, but holden slept in my arms for the first 8 weeks (he hated his pack n play that we intended to use as his crib in florida... then we moved in with my in-laws and there was a bunch of family home visiting for christmas, so there wasn't an extra room for holden... then we went to minnesota for christmas and there wasn't an extra room there either). long story short, i didn't know of a good option, was running on little sleep anyways and he only slept while held, so i didn't put much thought into it. well... when we got home from minnesota, h was 8 weeks old and we set up a spare room at my in-laws and he was moved to his own bed. and it was glorious!!!! with this next baby, i don't have a set plan of where i want he/she to sleep and for how long, but a rock & play is a no brainer at least for the first few weeks while they're in our room!

as many families do, when the second baby comes along, they make the move from a small suv or car to a mini van. although i fought this process for awhile (really pushing for a tahoe or explorer), a mini van really has become something i'm pretty excited about! the sliding doors, extra room, lift tailgate... ah, it makes me just so happy thinking about it! and that's not even to mention the convenience if it's pouring rain and just throwing the kids in the van and climbing in with them! we haven't gone and test driven any vans yet, but based on exterior esthetics, i'm leaning towards a honda odyssey or a toyota sienna in maybe black, navy or gray. we will 100% do something used (my FIL has a used car dealership afterall!), so it'll just depend on what is available when we want to buy (probably this spring-no later than may, hopefully)!

the last thing on my "must have" list for baby 2.0 is a new diaper bag. with holden, i had this timi & leslie bag (above) that i liked for the most part, but it was literally falling apart by the time i stopped using it (h was around 9 mos-a year). it certainly wasn't the most expensive bag i've ever bought (it was right around $150), but it definitely didn't hold up like i hoped a $150 diaper bag would. so, this time, i feel i'm a little less 'my diaper bag has to be chic and not look like a diaper bag whatsoever' and more 'i'd like a bag that doesn't scream diaper bag, but is sturdy, functional and not gonna break the bank'. so, here's a few options that i've found without searching too hard.

this sausalito bag is from pottery barn! who knew they made fabulous diaper bags?? it's definitely bigger than it appears (almost 22 inches in length) and the bottom leather portion zips open to store the changing pad, diapers, etc. at $130 on sale, it's not a farfetched option, but my hesitation is that i haven't seen it in person and would have to drive to indianapolis to return it if i hated it.
this skip hop chelsea bag reminds me of the type of bag i was looking for when i was pregnant with holden, but is less expensive and looks waaaay more functional. it's right at $100 on amazon, which i think is a great price point! with all those exterior pockets, it kind of reminds me of the super popular 31 bag, but is way more fashionable AND has a top zipper so things won't constantly fall out.
so, i think that about sums up my must-haves for baby t 2.0! please, please, please leave suggestions or advice of things i need/ don't need, if you've tried/ have any of these things and any other things i should check out!!!