Saturday, May 11, 2013

he still needs his mama.

i have had a lot of moments here lately where i think to myself that my baby is almost not a baby. and then i have to hold back the tears. where, oh where, has the time gone???

holden is now a year and a half and acting more and more like a little boy and less and less like a baby. i know it's natural. if this wasn't happening, i would be concerned... but that doesn't make it any easier!!

i am in LOVE with the stage that holden is in. he is curious, adventurous, full of communication and a little ornery at times. he challenges my patience and reminds me often that motherhood is not for the faint at heart. and that's even more why i love him. he makes me more like jesus. he sharpens my attitude, my outlook on life and reminds me to have a little zeal in each day.

now that summer is here, we are getting outside more. lots of walks, lots of playing on grandma & grandpa's putting green, lots of playdates at parks... and lots of knee scrapes. it's an unfortunate part of toddlerhood. holden is a walker, for sure, but he's still a little unsteady and concrete isn't forgiving. so... with summer comes lots of boo boo kisses, too. i don't wish for boo boos, but i can't help but soak up every moment afterwards when all he wants is his mama. 

i dream of the woman he will marry, his future kids, his future job, where he'll live, what ministries he will be leading. his future is bright and it's hard to not want him to be my baby forever

the good news is... he's still my baby. and he still needs his mama. and, i'm hoping, he always will.

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