Thursday, May 2, 2013

birth story: archer finn!

there are few days that i have lately that really just stand out in my mind. i might get a really sweet text from a friend or days like today, someone in front of me in the sbux drivethru buys my drink. these things don't really leave a lasting impression, though. i guess that's the best way to describe this: a lasting impression.

some may think it's strange how monumental this day was for me... especially since i have been through labor myself and have a sweet baby to show for it already. i just don't know how to explain how incredible the miracle of life is being on the other side of it.

not being the one stuck in a bed for hours.
not being the one asking nurses how many more pushes (ok... i may be the only one to ever do that...).
not being the one to be so exhausted that the first moments with your baby are a blur.

gretchen, grant's sister, asked me early on in her pregnancy what i thought about taking some pictures of their son after he was born. you know, getting weighed, his first bath, etc. i delightfully said no problem and looked forward to those first moments with my nephew. especially since we lived in florida when my niece was born and i feel like i missed out on so, so much with her.

fast forward several months. gretchen is a week overdue and we are all just on the edge of our seats wondering why he doesn't want to come meet us! since i knew they wanted pics RIGHT after he was born, i was fully expecting a call when they headed to the hospital to make sure i got there to take his first pics.

well, about the time i got the text that they were heading to the hospital, i had gotten about two hours of sleep. my friend ashley was in town visiting and we had stayed up late chatting. then, holden decided he wanted to party about 2 hours after we went to bed. and, per usual, this was no fun and my delusional sleeplessness was kicking in. well, shortly after holden woke up and would NOT go to sleep, grant got up cause he couldn't sleep either. and then i got THE text.

"we are heading to the hospital. if you can head there in about 30 min, that would be good."

so, i jump in the shower (knowing i won't have time after he's born before i have to be to MOPS) and start to get ready for my day. at 4am. oy. around this time, i text gretchen's husband, jason, back and ask if he can find out what exactly gretchen wants pics of (in between contractions, of course!). he texts back that she wants me there when she's pushing. and not just there... in the room.

my heart skips a beat. the thought never crossed my mind about being in the delivery room as she was delivering. maybe because gretchen is fairly private. maybe because i didn't know if that was something that i would even enjoy. i don't know why it didn't, it just didn't.

so, knowing that with gretchen's daughter, her entire labor was around 4 hours, i knew i had to move quick. i threw on some clothes, grabbed my camera (that grant lovingly got all ready for me) and i was out the door. i wanted a coffee... i wanted lunch (it felt like i should be ready for lunch since i was clearly not getting the sleep my body needed!). but, i knew i couldn't risk missing everything for a coffee!

i drove a little quicker than i should have, almost ran a red light that was taking forever and i can still remember the jitters i had. it was like i remembered the nervous feelings i had going into labor and was having sympathy feelings or something. so, with my stomach in knots, i made my way to the hospital.

when i got there, they weren't quite ready for me, so i waited in the lobby. i had grabbed some goldfish on my way out the door, so i anxiously munched on those while watching infomercials. after maybe 20 min, i got a text that she was ready to push.

ok... here we go!!!

i got settled in my 'station' up by gretchen's shoulders and was ready to shoot. luckily, since gretchen does have ridiculously quick labors, it didn't take long and we all got to meet the little (not so little) baby boy!

 archer finn diehls was here! all 10 lbs, 3 oz of him! gretchen is a warrior. a non-epidural warrior!

archer finn, your auntie misty loves you to the moon & back. i can't wait to see the man of god you become and the great things you will do! i feel honored to know you from the beginning, my love!


  1. Misty, this is one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. You should print this out with all the pictures and make him a book he can always have from his aunt Mist. Seriously, it's unbelievably beautiful!

  2. The photo that you posted here when he was first born- It put real tears in my eyes. So beautiful. Love the miracle of life! Awesome story and congrats on the new addition to the family!!

  3. lovely story. thanks for sharing. he is presh!


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