Friday, February 8, 2013

husband project under way!

i am certain that i'm not the only one married who, if given the chance, would change a thing or two about their beloved spouse. i definitely love my man and wouldn't take back the journey we've had the last 5 years, but... i certainly wouldn't mind the next 5 years being a little less, well... bumpy. we got married SO young, i was SO immature and our marriage started off with a lot of NEW. new house, new job, new car, new church, new city, new marriage. it was a lot for this lil 20 year old to handle. let alone handle it with grace. there are lots of things i would change and lots of feet i would stick in my mouth if i could. however, here we are... 5 grand ol years into this rodeo and i am so excited for what the next 5 will hold!

a couple friends and i have recently started a project. the husband project, to be specific. it's all about planning things to do for your hub, following through & actually doing the planned things and reaping the benefits. its a 3 week challenge to bless the socks out of your husband and remind him how appreciated he is. needless to say... life is busy with a baby and house renovation under way. all 3 of us have fallen behind on the project, but that's not what matters. we are being intentional to love our husbands and in turn, it's really been blessing me too. what a deal!

the challenge takes a good amount of planning and thought, but once the planning is done, it's quite simple. like... pick up your hub's fav candy bar, give your hub a massage, send a sweet text, etc. if your husband is as unobservant of things as mine is, take heart! even if he doesn't respond to your sweet, thought-out, spent-5-min-trying-to-get-the-right-words text... know that it is doing something to his spirit inside. and that's all that matters!

i would highly recommend any of your married ladies out there to give it a try! it's supposed to be a secret to your man, so keep it on the DL and just have fun with it! i ordered my book off of amazon and it was only $10! worth every penny!!


ps-if you've done this before, i would LOVE to hear your experience!!

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