Tuesday, February 12, 2013


i've seen this quote about 10 times in the last few months on pinterest, twitter & instagram. this morning at MOPS (mothers of preschoolers), we had a sweet lady sharing on "mommy guilt". since i'm on the leadership team, i was part of the planning for the year. we all decided on topics and provided speaker suggestions. i don't quite remember this topic being discussed, but if i did, i'm sure my thoughts would be something like...

   'do moms really struggle with being guilty? what is there to be guilty about?'

well, the speaker did talk about common guilts that we feel as mamas, but she also talked about how much we, as moms (AND just women in general) can easily fall into a rut of comparing ourselves to others. and as she explained how much of a detrimental thing this could be, i realized that i fall prey to these lies way more than i ever realized.

they drive a nicer car.
their baby is walking and mine isn't.
they don't live with their in-laws.
she knows how to cook & i can't even make homemade mac n cheese.
their husband cleans up after himself.

the list goes on. one thing the speaker said this morning that struck a chord was... 'if we are looking at how much we don't have, we aren't focusing on the things we do have'. how true is that?

i'm extremely grateful for this MOPS group and the challenge that i often walk away with. if you're a mama and aren't plugged into a local MOPS group, i can't stress to you how much you are missing out on! trust me!!!


  1. I LOVE my mops group! I have made the most amazing friends and have gotten to know the mentor moms so well that they have had a huge impact in my life. This is my third year doing it but my first year committing and serving on the steering team and being a group leader. It has blessed my socks off to say the least. As far as guilt goes its normal and we all feel it once in awhile. I feel guilt if the house isn't as clean as I want, or if I go to dinner with girl friends and so on. Why we feel that who knows. I stopped comparing myself to other people a long time ago, it's so freeing and you can only be you. I was frustrating myself trying to keep up with everyone, being crafty, being a good cook, homemaker, mother, wife.. It was exhausting. I do me and that's all that I need to do :) good post!
    I'm trying to follow you but don't see your button??

    1. i think i figured out how to add it! let me know if i didn't!


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