i wish i could sometimes take a snapshot of my life. more than what a little instagram pic can show. more of a glimpse of all that is going on in my life.
for instance, right now... i wish i could capture the fact that half of my house is unpacked, there's currently a plumbing guy in the house working on something (which means there's no water), my babe is taking his morning nap (which is typically when i take my shower, but that ain't happenin... no water!), my hub left for a business trip this morning and will be gone til friday, i still have several boxes to pack at my in-laws and the cherry on top is that my parents are coming to stay on thursday. i'm functioning solely on coffee at the moment. my parents aren't expecting a perfectly organized and decorated house and plan to help, but i just want to hang out more than do house projects while they're here!!! oh, and also... curse you, teehing pains!!!
i've been an ingrid michaelson fan for years now. i've seen her in concert a couple times and besides being a great artist, she's hilarious. i just know we'd be friends. one of my fav songs by her is 'keep breathing'. the concept isn't anything out of this world amazing, but the lyrics with the composition make it amazing!
all i know is i'm breathing
all i can do is keep breathing
all we can do is keep breathing
i have a feeling that this week of unpacking, husband-less, getting ready for my parents to come will be a 'keep breahting' kind of week. sometimes, all of the boxes in the corner screaming at you and laundry in the washer that never made it to the dryer last night, just have to wait. feeling like i'm sort of just trying to stay above water at the moment. hoping for hours added to my days this week and supernatural energy as i single mom it up for the next few days!!
totally have Ingrid channel on Pandora-playing-as we speak- in the studio! holler