Friday, March 29, 2013


it's friday! and what a GOOD friday, it is! i'm so excited for this weekend and to spend time with my dear family and remembering the ultimate price that jesus paid for ME! what a blessing! i'm linking up with lauren at from my grey desk to give you my top 5 favs of this past week! feel free to link up!!!

5. there have been all sorts of stuff floating around facebook and twitter regarding same sex marriage. so, when i see something like this that just brings light to all the arguing and opinionated posts, i find it SO funny!!! i mean... try and tell me this isn't funny!

4. holden is still having rough nights. it isn't necessarily EVERY night like it was a week ago, but it's about every other night. grant has been amazing and will get up with him if i need him to (like at 7am this morning when i think i had slept a total of maybe 3 hours. oy). parenthood is not for the faint of heart, my friends! i do, however, love that he is becoming SO interactive. his memory is out of this world and he is recognizing all sorts of things. seems like he has new syllables flying out of his mouth each day, too. being a mama is by far the best job i've ever had!

3. in case you've been living under a rock, justin timberlake released a new album a week or two ago. i didn't realize it was on spotify until just recently and have been jammin nonstop. he is so, so, so talented. lovin 'mirrors' at the moment!

2. i have a whole section of my heart devoted to fresh flowers. and i'm so not kidding!!! i was at the grocery store yesterday and picked up a couple bushels of fresh tulips! and they were only $2.99! woohoo! one of my fav places to keep fresh flowers is in a bathroom... especially if the bathroom doesn't have a window! seriously-try it! it brightens up what could seem to be a boring and dull room. 

1. holden's fav thing these days is giving hugs. to everything. it's ridiculously adorable. here he's hugging the blanket. so far, i think 17 mos is my fav age... and i feel anxious putting that out there!!! it really is just an awesome stage and he's my number 1 right now (well, and always... but especially this week!)!

if you don't already, you should link up with lauren & i to share the top moments of your week! it really has helped me find good even in a sleepless night-filled week! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's funny that you say Holden's age now is your favorite. I remember with Gabe every age was my favorite and got just a little bit better every month! I don't know if it's a first child thing{cause you get to enjoy every moment} or if it's a boy thing {cause mamas just have a connection with their boys like no other} but enjoy it, every moment of it! It's been a lot different with Juliana.. I am just now starting to enjoy her.. Maybe 2 will be her year that I get to enjoy every month... :)


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